Shabbat Parashat Tzav - 5783
Shabbat Parashat Tzav - 5783 Rabbi Hal Miller He shall remove his garments and he shall wear other garments, and he shall remove the...
Shabbat Parashat Vayikra - 5783
Shabbat Parashat Vayikra - 5783 Rabbi Hal Miller If he offers a sheep as his offering, he shall bring it before Hashem. Vayikra [3:7] Our...
Shabbat Parashat Vayakhel - 5783
Shabbat Parashat Vayakhel - 5783 Rabbi Hal Miller You shall not kindle fire in any of your dwellings on the Shabbat day. [Shemot 35:3]...
Shabbat Parashat Ki Tisa - 5783
Shabbat Parashat Ki Tisa - 5783 Rabbi Hal Miller The people heard this bad tiding and they grieved, and they, each man, did not put on...
Purim 5783
Purim 5783 Rabbi Hal Miller (Reminder: It is traditional that on Purim we read "Purim Torah". These are fashioned in the same way as...