Shabbos Shemini/Tazria - 5775
Shabbos Shemini/Tazria - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller And it was on the eighth day, Moshe summoned Aharon and his sons and the elders of...
Pesach - 5775
Pesach - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller Rabbi Yehuda gave to them abbreviations: De'tzach, A'dash, B'achav. [Haggadah] Every year we read about...
Shabbos Parashas Tzav - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Tzav - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller Speak to the Children of Israel saying, any cheilev fat of oxen, sheep or goats you shall...
Shabbos Parashas Vayikra - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Vayikra - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller And your every meal offering you shall salt with salt, you may not cease the salt of...
Shabbos Parashas Vayakhel-Pekudei - 5755
Shabbos Parashas Vayakhel-Pekudei - 5755 Rabbi Hal Miller You shall not kindle fire in any of your dwellings on the Shabbos day. [Shemos...
Shabbos Parashas Ki Sisa - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Ki Sisa - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller Beware of what I command you today, behold I drive out before you the Amorite, the...
Purim - 5775
Purim - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller (It is traditional that on Purim we read "Purim Torah". These are fashioned in the same way as regular...
Shabbos Parashas Tetzaveh - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Tetzaveh - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller And I shall meet there with the Children of Israel, and it shall be sanctified...
Shabbos Parashas Terumah - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Terumah - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller They shall make a Sanctuary for Me so that I may dwell among them. [Shemos 25:8] Like...
Shabbos Parashas Mishpatim - 5775
Shabbos Parashas Mishpatim - 5775 Rabbi Hal Miller If you encounter an ox of your enemy or his donkey wandering, you shall return it ...