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Shabbat Parashat Shelach - 5783

Shabbat Parashat Shelach - 5783

Rabbi Hal Miller

And how is the land, is it rich or is it lean, are there trees in it or not? You shall

strengthen yourselves and take from the fruit of the land. [Bamidbar 13:20]

Our verse is a part of Moshe's charge to the spies he sent into the land. This is what they were

supposed to report upon. But there are problems with the simple understanding as to why he

would charge them with these words.

Chasam Sofer says there are two possibiilties. Either the land has a fruit-bearing tree or it does

not. If it has such a tree, Moshe charged them with bringing back some of its fruit. But what if it

does not have such a tree? What would Moshe's command mean? Therefore, Rashi explains that

the word 'tree' here means "a righteous man whose merits protect the land's inhabitants." If there

is such a man, they need do nothing because he will protect the people there. But if not, then they

need to 'strengthen' themselves and take of the fruit of the land.

What does it mean for them to strengthen themselves? Rashbam says, "Give yourselves the

appearance of self-confident men, men who are not afraid of anything" to which Rav Hirsch adds,

"Have the courage openly to take away samples of the fruit although it makes the purpose of your

mission clear." Ramban writes similarly.

Sforno and Chizkunei understand it from the viewpoint of thieves, that they should not worry about

whether the watchmen will notice and attack them.

Malbim is similar, but with a twist. The mission was to report on the land, so they were to bring back

evidence. Malbim understands that our verse is a command to strengthen themselves in their faith

in God, that He will protect them. Since the season was that of the harvest, Moshe is telling them

here that it would be common for people to see others walking around carrying the harvest, so they

should not fear being seen.


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