Shabbat Parashat Re'eh - 5783
Shabbat Parashat Re'eh - 5783
Rabbi Hal Miller
Safeguard and listen to all these matters that I command you in order that it be well
with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and what is
right in the eyes of Hashem your God. [Devarim 12:28]
In Shemot [24:7], all the people respond to Moshe, na'aseh v'nishma, we will do and
we will hear. Although it seems from a logical standpoint that the words should be
reversed, there are many clear explanations as to why they are as they are. Our verse
seems to have a similar issue, "safeguard and listen". How can one guard something
before hearing what it is?
Rashi defines safeguard as study, meaning to learn and review the Torah so that it will
not be forgotten. In that context, it makes sense to study and to listen to a teacher, so
the order of the words can be understood either way. Rav Hirsch is close to this when
he says it means to listen carefully to all the words that I command you. Onkelos is also
close, "observe and accept all these words".
Torah Temimah understands it slightly differently. "Take heed and hearken. If you take
heed a little, you will ultimately hearken much." This seems closer to the na'aseh v'nishma
Kol Dodi asks our question and gives us a solid answer. "It would seem the first two words
should be reversed, first hear the commandments then you will be able to keep them. What
Moshe was saying is that if you keep the letter of the law then you will merit to hear what
God really wants of you." According to this, Moshe was taking the congregation up on their
offer of na'aseh v'nishma. They said, we will do and we will hear, so now Moshe replies,
guard the commandments and you will hear.
Perhaps we can also relate this word order to the teaching of our Sages that it is better to
perform a mitzvah not for the right reasons than not to perform it at all, because by doing so
on a regular basis one may some day come to perform it for the right reasons. With Rosh
Chodesh Elul and the days of judgment coming up, this might be a good time to implement
what Moshe says in our verse.