Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo - 5782
Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo - 5782
Rabbi Hal Miller
Moshe summoned all of Israel and said to them, you have seen everything
that Hashem did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all
his slaves and to all his land. [Devarim 29:1]
Moshe has been speaking to the whole nation all along. Why does our verse now
tell us that he summoned all of Israel in order to speak to them?
Rav Hirsch tells us that up to now, Moshe was speaking to all of the people who
were before him. Now he specifically singles out those who will be going forward
into the land, the men between 40 and 60, women, and those born in the desert
who are still below 40. But this is difficult since our verse says, "you have seen
everything that God did before your eyes in the land of Egypt", but many of these
people were not there or were not old enough to recognize what they saw.
Onkelos sees this verse as somewhat out of chronological order. He says it refers
back to 28:69 where Moshe was speaking to the people in Moav and Choreiv,
and he is now addressing those same people to review what he told them then.
Ramban sort of sidesteps the question. He says that Moshe's comments coming
up are directed to the same people as those just completed, and that it is all
Rashi gives two alternative scenarios regarding the covenant situation. In the first
he says that God's instructions prior to our verse meant that it had taken Moshe
the past forty years to understand the covenant in 28:69 that God had sealed in
Moav and the one in Chorev, and Rashi, based on the Ri and Tosafot, draws various
inferences from this time length. The second alternative is that, although Moshe
understood what God had done, the people had not. From this latter view perhaps
we can draw the conclusion that Moshe, at this point, is calling to the people to
awaken and understand the covenants they hold with God. All of Rashi's learned
laws would still apply, such as a student not properly understanding the teachings
of his rebbi until he had reviewed them for forty years. Now that forty years had
passed since the covenants were sealed, the time was ripe for the people to
understand them, especially as Moshe's career was about to end.