Shabbat Parashat Bereishit - 5781
Shabbat Parashat Bereishit - 5781
Rabbi Hal Miller
And the wind of God was hovering over the waters [Bereishis 1:2]
It is difficult to imagine what our verse means. Two words stand out as in
particular the driving forces for the sentence, ruach and m'rachefet, which
are translated here as wind and hovering. What do they connote here?
Probably the most common usage of ruach would be wind. Other options
include breath, spirit, direction, blow, state of mind, and many similar. Rambam
lists six meanings, and Abarbanel criticizes them, and lists others instead.
Sforno says it refers to the energy by which the planet operates. Radak notes
that grammatically, the word refers to something that is an agent of its Creator,
thus its motion over the waters was to dry them out. In most of these, the word
refers to something in motion.
M'rachefet also has many definitions, but the most common is 'hovering'. The
classic example has to do with an eagle hovering over its nest to care for its
chicks. But this implies something not in motion, which seems in conflict with
the earlier words of our verse. Onkelos and Sforno both say it means 'blowing'
but Ralbag interprets it as 'rest upon'.
Abarbanel asks an interesting question on this subject. If a wind, spirit, breath,
whatever of God was hovering over the waters, that implies that there was a
geographical point that could be defined as above the waters. But at this spot
in the story, the waters had not yet been divided between upper and lower. He
goes through the various examples of both words cited by other commentators
and concludes that both ruach and m'rachefet do not refer to physicality, but to
spirituality. A tangible wind might 'hover', but an intangible one could not. There
is no physical air movement having a physical impact upon water in our verse,
rather God is commanding the beginning of the motion, which he understands
to be what we might call activity or life, of the universe. God is jump-starting
His creation. From this jump-start will evolve physical motion and action. In the
next verse, He creates light, the beginning of all that follows.